Sunday, July 26, 2009

Lazy Sunday

Low activity Sundays are rapidly becoming one of my favorite things. We went to church this morning and visited Robert’s mom afterwards and other than that, we did pretty much nothing at all. Robert went out for groceries, I hung out with the kids. Hung up laundry. Just a quiet Sunday. Really nice.

At church this morning, the program was about diversity and tolerance. It was pretty interesting, because Richard talked about how we talk the talk about each person’s inherent worth and their freedoms to explore their path as they see fit, but that we often don’t walk the walk. There is much to think about on this topic; I look forward to seeing where my mind goes with it.

I thought it was cool that we kept the kids in the sanctuary for the first part of service this morning. In the past, Harrison has immediately run off to go play with his friends in the RE room, but today he (and the other kids in attendance) got to hear the music, listen to the choral readings and see what the candles and stones on the altar are all about. He asked me about the candles later in the day and we talked about what they meant and why people would come up and light a candle or lay out a stone. I think we’re going to get a bowl of pretty rocks or something to keep here at the house so that we can do a nightly blessing count.

Here are some pictures of Laura from today and yesterday, just because they make me laugh. Sometimes we just need a laugh, I think. :)

The bear's gonna get me!

Ooooh, I'ma Get'cha!

Cute Laura

I know pride comes before the fall and all that, but dang, I’ve got cute kids! :)

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