Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ride ‘Em Cowgirl!

My birthday is coming up on Thursday. As far as Harrison is concerned, I’m 29 and will remain 29 with the new birthday. I’m sure that confuses him, but he’ll figure it out soon enough—he’s a pretty smart cookie—so I’m enjoying the illusion while I can. (Incidentally, it’s the illusion for me, that I enjoy. I feel 29. Don’t really care if anyone else agrees with that age. :) )

So for my birthday, Super Hubby completely shocked and amazed me tonight. The man has never been able to keep a secret to save his life. I don’t think it’s malicious on his part—he is just so excited about what he knows and he wants to share it with you. Many Christmases occurred, present-wise, a week or more early because he’d ask if I wanted to know what he got me and, well, I wanted presents. I think of it as win-win.

Anyhoo, he’s been mysteriously dropping hints that I need to be home by a certain time, dressed in jeans and comfy shoes and maybe bring a hat and snacks and water and good God, where are we going on this trip? It only got worse when he started driving us to our destination tonight—out in the woods, pretty much away from everything and everyone except for fields of horses.

Dummy me, I didn’t even notice all the horses. I was just looking out the window, enjoying the receipt of total surprise. But a horse stable we did visit. We got there, and I started looking around getting excited, but not really sure what to expect. I mean, this is the guy who said he’d never ever get on one of those animals because, good God, they’re huge!

But get on one, he did. For my birthday, he bought us a lesson in horsemanship, from simply walking our steeds around the track (mine was named Peanut, his was Lester) to currying and brushing to saddling to riding to holy-crap-jogging! (harder than it looks!) to currying and brushing again. All told, we spent almost two hours out there, getting stinky with horse and I loved every second of it! I’m sore and achy now, but I think I can honestly say that this has been one of the best birthday presents of my life. I don’t need any more stuff hanging around the house, collecting dust and making me feel guilty for not looking at it/playing with it/etc., a la Lisa Simpson and her Earth Day Tree. Instead, I got some awesome memories (and photos!) and got to spend time with some animals I’ve always wanted to play with. Best of all, I got to spend time with hubby, away from the grind of work and home and just have fun again.

I’m looking into dude ranch vacations now. :)








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