Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Book’n It

My boy can read.

I mean, yeah, he can’t read everything, but he can dang sure try. It’s pretty cool watching him evolve into this reading person. We sit, snuggled on the couch, and he reads various library books. In the past, I’ve always kind of directed him specifically toward several books and let him freely choose one or two of his own. He would always kind of give mine a chance, but he was always really into the ones he picked on his own. So tonight, I let him have total control over the books he got.

It helped that when we got to the library one of the little girls in his class was there, too. He was very excited to see her and they spent the majority of the time running back and forth around the children’s area, picking books, bringing them to me or the little girl’s mom and then running off to find more. The girl’s mom and I had a really good talk—they’re new to the area and I shared our favorite parks and museums—and I think they will be a fun family to get together with for play dates at some point.

So we got home with the new books and Harrison and I (eventually after all the other evening crap that had to be done) sat on the couch and he read to me about the Punk Farm Animals who went on tour and sang about the wheels on the van going round and round. My favorite part was when he would sing the song in his best rocker voice. He cracks me up in his earnestness and enthusiasm. I imagine he’ll go into the performing arts in some way or other. :)

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