Tuesday, December 22, 2009

School Holiday Rocks

Got the parents to watch the kids so hubby and I could have a bit of a date night. Saw Avatar. Man, James Cameron likes taking big things that should be indestructible and destroying them. :D Really good movie, though.

Had a pretty good day with Harrison. The neighbors across the street came over to play, which was pretty cool since we haven’t seem them very much since school started. With Christmas ramping up as it is, we probably won’t see them anymore this week, but hopefully they’ll get to come over next week while Harrison and I are still out.

Got the presents wrapped. I love giving gifts, but I hate buying them and I hate wrapping them. So the fact that I’m done is a huge deal—I don’t have to worry about it again until birthdays start rolling up on us by which time I’ll have forgotten how much I dislike wrapping gifts. Or, more likely, I’ll just have a gift bag to pop presents in to. :)

Played some UNO with Harrison, as well. He’s been out of Karate too long—he was not happy about losing a game (the second round—he kicked my rear in the first round) and acted very ugly about it. I’m ready for him to have the class to look forward to again and the discipline backup that it affords. Mostly, though, I’m ready for him to have the camaraderie and the energy vent that comes with it.

Eyes killing me—almost new contact day. Watching a movie in 3-D is not good for my eye moisture, as well, I’m sure. Off to bed soon to gear up for another day with the boy. Enjoying the extra snuggles and reading and just hanging out that we get to do. Want to make sure I’m at my best for it all tomorrow.

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